The reasons I’m doing this are:
To finally live my life on my terms. I’ve worked for others doing what they want me to do to produce things that benefit them in some way and reward me with money. What I want is to spend my time as I chose and be rewarded with life experiences that have meaning for me. Experiences like; seeing other places and cultures in their habitat and not the ‘Americanized’ version; live on my wits without comparison to others and the judgment that I’ve experience in those comparisons; I want to be in the company of others of a like mind that possessions are not the end goal; I want to do work that has meaning for me and gives me satisfaction;
I want to leave the routine of seeing the same people every day saying the same pre-programmed things. I’ve learned that we all have about five stories that we love to tell and to go beyond that requires thought, action and some risk. Thought and action require self-study and that can be unpleasant and require more than most are interested in actually doing. It’s far easier to wave our hands dismissively and say something like, “whatever. You know what I mean” instead of taking the time to think the topic through and explain the beliefs held. That short circuit of the thought process is, I believe, a result of our present ‘sound bite’, condensed-media-story life style. As a group we have convinced ourselves that differing opinions and discussion are passé and show some kind of weakness. We have become so concerned about offending someone or some group that we can’t say anything. On top of that there are the constant jokes about political correctness (PC). PC used to be just being polite. What’s wrong with being polite?
The risk comes from not wanting to take the chance that what you say may be unpopular. The presumed price would be the loss of friendship or maybe ridicule. None of us, regardless of how thick our skin is, want that.
And after some inward reflection we may find out that we don’t like what we see and that would take a decision to change and that would require some work on our part and that’s just not acceptable. It’s easier to wave our hands dismissively and turn back to listening to the talking head on the TV or radio.
So you see, I’ve done the 9-5 thing in the office and the field work in the heat; I’ve done the self-employment thing and the corporate drone act; I’ve done the single and married things. I’ve been so immersed in the American way and lifestyle that I really would like to try something else.
Having been showered every day of my life with the deluge of images, sounds and information messages that each of us is subjected to I am looking forward to the almost depravation-chamber quiet I expect on a days-long passage. I really wonder how I will respond. Will it take me a week to acclimate? A month? Will it be an easy transition? Will I grab the first person I see upon landfall and start talking nonstop just to hear another voice?
I hope to re-learn the trick of creating a complete thought in my head. I’m sure there was a time in my life when I could do that. It’s just been so long ago. I’ve always had a touch of ADD and the fast-forward society I live in doesn’t help at all.
The thought of slowing down to the pace of the boat and the waves is a bit daunting. I admit at times crossing the lake at 4 knots is a bit dull. But then I’m still living the 70+mph world of commuting to work every day. Once I make the change to a life at a walking pace I’ll know better how to deal with it.
I hope for a great cleansing; a new start. A reset, if you will. After the year is up I’ll make up my mind to continue or head back to civilization to pick up where I left off. I know I’ll never be the same.