Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Well, then.
I like birds as much as the next guy but this is ridiculous.
The last few weeks have been a bit like a Hitchcock movie. You might say, "Jeff, you weenie, seagulls are a part of the deal," and you would be right. Like other marinas, there is also the local Osprey and some Pelicans.
Where this place departs from normal is the hundreds of blackbirds. They roost on the roof of the nearby restaurant and many of the boats, mine included.
The little buggers are just like seagulls. They steal scraps from the tables of the restaurant and, since they cannot be housebroken, drop said scraps and their leavings on the decks of the boats. Again, mine included.
It is a normal morning to pick up two or three bones from the deck.
What a pain.
Add to that the hundreds of seagulls doing the same thing and I begin to wonder the wisdom of moving here. Also, are the restaurant customers actually getting to eat before the birds make off with the food?
Add to that the pigeons shamelessly making little pigeons right there on the dock. Sheesh!
Spring time in Florida.

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