Monday, August 22, 2011

I’ve lived aboard going on five years now and I’ve learned quite a bit. Things like;
  • Don’t hold anything in your hands while getting onto and off of the boat. You need to hang on to something and you don’t want to drop anything in the water.
  • Look before you step. Make sure the steps are where you plan to put your foot. The boat has a funny way of moving just enough that you may end up stepping off into the lake.
  • Boats move. Sometimes a lot. Depending on how much traffic there is the boat may lurch at just the wrong moment because of the waves. Try to be ready.
  • Don’t take the boat out on the weekends or during holidays. It’s a bit like going to the mall on a ‘no tax’ weekend. There are boats zooming along from every direction and speed.
  • When you do go out, make sure everything is either tied down or secured so it doesn’t fall when some fool passes you while throwing off a huge wake.
  • Learn the rules of the road and then be prepared to improvise. You may know them but he may not.  
  • Boats leak. Not always from below but from above. Keep pans handy. Then remember where the water came in and seal the leaks up.
These and many other things I’ve learned. They become second nature after a while; like not using the word ‘walk’ in hearing range of the family dog.
I’ve found that life aboard a boat is very relaxing. Too much so sometimes. With all of the best intentions, I plan to work on a project but somehow can’t seem to get going. Be it the calming waves, gentle breeze, the camaraderie of the other liveaboards or as is often in my case, inherent laziness I just don’t make the progress I intended. I plan to do a study on this topic.
Real soon.
Planning as I am to go to the islands in a couple of years, there is much to be done and to learn.

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